

报告题目: LTE in Unlicensed Spectrum
As the dramatic increase in the number of mobile devices, future 5G cellular networks are facing the challenging task of proportionately increasing their capacity. Despite some cutting-edge capacity-approaching techniques, the limited licensed spectrum is still the principal bottleneck for capacity improvement. To tackle this problem, a new standard, currently being developed within 3GPP and formally called licensed assisted access (LAA) or LTE in unlicensed spectrum (LTE-U), has been proposed for LTE systems to operate on unlicensed bands. In the first part of this talk, I will address the coexistence issue of WiFi and LTE. A novel coexistence mechanism which combines the conventional mobile data offloading and LTE-U will be firstly introduced. I will also introduce a win-win strategy for the WiFi and LTE coexistence, which offloads WiFi users to LTE and at the same time some unlicensed bandwidth are relinquished to LTE. In the second part of this talk, I will develop a framework for the energy efficiency optimization in the LTE-U system. A criterion will be established to determine whether the EE of the LTE system can be improved with the help of unlicensed bands, and then a joint licensed and unlicensed resource allocation algorithm will be developed to maximize the EE of each LTE small cell base station.
余官定博士,副教授,博士生导师,浙江大学求是青年学者。浙江大学信电系学士、博士、博士后,美国佐治亚理工学院电子与计算机工程系访问学者(2013年7月至2015年7月)。2008年获浙江大学优秀青年教师计划(紫金计划)资助、2012年入选浙江大学新星计划,2015年入选浙江大学求是青年学者和浙江大学高层次人才培育计划。主要研究领域为第五代移动通信系统。累计发表论文100余篇,累计Google学术引用1400多次,单篇最高被引用190余次。担任美国IEEE Journal on Selected Area in Communications绿色通信专辑编委,IEEE Communications magezine 客座编委、IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine客座编委、韩国KSII互联网和信息系统汇刊编委。长期担任通信领域顶级国际学术会议IEEE ICC,Globecom等的技术程序委员会成员,以及多个IEEE期刊的论文评审人。